Environmental Responsibility
It is important to be aware of our environmental responsibility when it comes to any industry, including wallpaper installation. We take this seriously at The Persnickety Paperhanger. The air quality and cleanliness of your home or business is important to us. We use a state-of-the-art M-Class HEPA filter dust extraction sanding unit to ensure that any dust created during the preperation process is filtered and not released into the environment. As such we are able to perform extensive plaster repairs, creating the most desirable surface to install your fine wallcoverings on, in a completely dust free manner. No more having to clean your home after having work done, and no more concern about lead dust potentially getting into the environment and contaminating the air quality of your home or business. We also strive to reduce plastic waste by using paper and cardboard packaging materials wherever possible. While certain "Specialty" or "Heavy Weight" wallcoverings may require various premixed pastes for a proper installation, the majority of wallcoverings can be reliably installed using a variety of powdered "self-mix" pastes. Unfortunately, while these products have historically been, and still are widely popular in Europe and the United Kingdom; they are not readily available on the US market. The Persnickety Paperhanger, has taken the time to research and test the finest European pastes. We have developed relationships with partners overseas to secure reliable a supply of the finest old world products. It should be noted that wallpaper has been popular in Europe since before our the founding of our great country, and many of the most desirable wallcoverings are still produced there. That being the case, reason dictates that they have the formulas well worked out. As a result of our research, and efforts, we have successfully reduced our plastic waste (in the form or non-recyclable buckets) by nearly 80%. We have also streamlined the process for receiving quotes, through our easy-to-use online form submission. So much time and fuel is frequently wasted, when an estimator has to drive all over town to look at projects, when this can often be performed "remotely". In the interest of customer service, we still perform "on-site" estimates, for larger projects, or if our client has difficulty with the online submission. However, through the implementation of our simple to use online form, we have been able to significantly reduce unnecessary driving and fuel consumption. A benefit for both the environment, as well as reduced cost burden to potential clients. We are committed to environmentally responsible practices and are proud to work towards a more sustainable future, while delivering the highest possible standards of quality.

Benchmark tools for dust free sanding

Premium grade European pastes in Eco-friendly packaging


Non- recyclable plastic buckets